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Descendants of Salvador Clemente De La Torre and Maria Alexandra De la Torre are descendants of Luis Lomellini

By Visitor - Posted on 05 February 2014

I was looking at old post on sharing when i found a comment that I made about hitting a dead end with Salvador Clemente De la Torre and his wife Maria Alexandra De La Torre. This post was originally dated 2009. I reposted it and want to provide an update to it. Through the help of Claudia Casillas, I was able to find not only the normal dispensa but also a diagram explaining the blood relationship of the bride and groom. This find connected me to the work I had done on Miguel Hidlago and that is how I descend from Luis (Lucino?)Lomellini.
It was only through Claudia Casillas sharing her work that I was able to get this information. I had been looking for it for decades with only negative results.

R A Ricci