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El Papaqui de Nochistlan, ZAC 18 enero 2014 y la 9va Legaspiada.

By joselegaspi - Posted on 26 November 2013

Adjunto (attached) un articulo de los Papaquis en Nochistlan (an article about the Papaquis in Nochistlan). El 18 de enero la familia Legaspi Frias patrocina el dia a San Sebastian (on the 18 of Jan Legaspi Frias Family organizes the feast day for San Sebastian). La 9va reunion familiar de los Legaspi se llevara acabo (the 9th Legaspi Family Reunion will take place on that day). Hagan nota, habra mas de 300 individuos de todo el mundo (there will be over 300 individuals there.) Todos estan invitados. ( all are invited).