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Help me find Bartolo De Leon!

By Visitor - Posted on 13 October 2013

Okay I am helping this elderly man with his family research. He already
has done research and and has gone as far back as the early 1800s in
most of his tree. He part of his ancestors come from Aguascalientes.
However, the part I want your help is with his fathers side which comes
from Michoacan. Arturo ( the guys name) lives in Texas and his great
grandparents immigrated to the U.S. His fathers name is Fernando de Leon and according to his death certificate his birthday was May 12, 1910 he past away on July 8, 1996. The parents of Fernando Bartolo de Leon and
Mercedes Medina. They also had another son named Prodigios who according to his death certificate his birthday was February 13, 1903. Bartolo
was in cuba and arrived to Florida on August 17, 1915. According to
Arturo's birth certificate the face of birth of his father (Fernando) is Michoacan
Michoacan and in his brothers first certificate it list the face of
first of his father as Queretaro Michoacan. As far as we are aware there is no town with the name of queretaro in Michoacan so he things that
they probably meant Querendaro Michoacan. I was hoping that maybe I
could get people to help me look at the baptisms from around Fernando's
and his brothers birth from Michoacan and hope to find them. Or do you
guys have a better idea to find Bartolo's parents? I know this is
regarding Michoacan and not one of the three states you guys are focus
on but I'm hoping you guys can help me or know someone who can. Thank