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Introduction for Roberto Rosales

By robros12 - Posted on 02 September 2013

my name is Roberto Rosales Villalpando, and I recently started doing genealogy
research. Growing up I was always curious about my family history. Sadly, I
wandered around with many questions, but no answers. Now, that I am going for a
biology major I have found a passion in genealogy, I do not know why, but
knowing who my ancestors were gives me a sense of belonging. Now I know more
about my family than my only great-grandmother still living.
My recent family ancestry was from the Huanusco,Zacatecas-Calvillo,Aguascalientes
region, and from Tlachichila,Nochistlan, Zacatecas.  To be more exact my father’s family is from
La Palma, Huanusco, Zacatecas and my mother is from a single family ranch on
the division of Zacatecas and Aguascalientes called La Calera (near Arroyo
Soto). I can trace my paternal grandparents and maternal grandfather's lineage
to el Arroyo de Soto, Calvillo, Aguascalientes multiple times on my family tree,
since I have the Serna surname all over my family tree. My parents are even
third cousins through the Serna's. Thanks to my maternal grandmother who came
from Tlachichila, Zacatecas I have different surnames I can add to my family
I also recently had my DNA tested through 23andme.
I have an extensive family tree, with a few brick walls along
the way, which I hope to overcome with the help of Nuestros Ranchos, and I look
forward on working with all of you.
Thank You

Family surnames: Rosales, Villalpando, Serna (de la Serna),Saldivar, Lopez, Olmos,Ruiz,Perez,Duran, Ruiz de Esparza,Jauregui,Ordorica, Hernandez,Lizalde,Gabay,Delgado,Martin de Carpo,Babadilla,Romo de Vibar,Estrada and many others.
Zacatecas: Huanusco,Nochistlan,Teul de Gonzalez Ortega,Tabasco
Aguascalientes: Calvillo,Aguascalientes,Rincon de Romos
Jalisco: Teocaltiche,Villa Hidalgo,Colotlan