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Family lines with known Jewish roots

By RaquelRuiz - Posted on 31 August 2013

I know I have seen references to those families from Los Altos that are known to have Jewish roots, but am having difficulty locating them in the archives. Would someone please assist me?

My father's ftdna population finder shows him as 31% Middle Eastern (Jewish,Palestinian, Bedouin). He has some family finder distant matches with people with only Jewish surnames and Eastern European roots. I'm wondering if anyone else in the group is having the same experience?

I was also stunned to notice that one of the matches is also a distant match for my husband, who is of Eastern European Jewish ancestry. (We suspect, based on my husband's ydna matches, that that line might have been part of the exodus from Iberia during the Expulsion of 1492.)

Thanks for any assistance or response.

Raquel Ruiz