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Re : $99 DNA test

By gilbertarguelles - Posted on 06 July 2013


I just went through the link you cited. Its helpful . I better get going getting test for my parents as they are both only children.
Thank you,
Gilbert Arguelles

>Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: $99 DNA test (Gilbert Arguelles)
> 2. Re: $99 DNA test (Armando)
>I ordered the Comprehensive Genome test and joined the project that was
>mentioned on the list.
>Would I be able to verify that any connection to you or Gloria through
>Since both my parents are still living (86 & 90 years old) would it be
>clearer picture overall if I tested them too with the $99 tests?
>Message: 2

>Hello Gilbert, in order to know if you, Joseph, and Gloria having
>markers in common they would also have to get a Family Finder test.
>Even if
>they get the test there is no guarantee they are going to show as
>even if they truly are related to you. Not all markers are passed down
>all of your ancestors. If they do show as matches then they are
>related to you. Having other people with some of the ancestors showing
>as matches on the same segment of a specific chromosome will help raise
>likelihood being related through the line that is in common in all of
>See the following article for an example.
>Having your parents test could help prove which side of the family your
>matches are related to you. If you, one parent and a third person all
>markers in common in a certain segment of a certain chromosome then it
>that side of the family that you are likely related to the third
>It's a process of elimination with the help of known relatives and
>with shared trees and all getting the Family Finder test that help show
>extreme likelihood of being related.
>> Would I be able to verify that any connection to you or Gloria
>through the
>> test?
>> Since both my parents are still living (86 & 90 years old) would it
>be a
>> clearer picture overall if I tested them too with the $99 tests?