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Christobal Matrinez Lozano

By ssales1984 - Posted on 26 February 2013

Buenos Dias Miembros del Foro,

El día de hoy me gustaría abordar el tema de los Lozano de Aguascalientes, especialmente de Christobal Martínez Lozano. La primera pregunta es si alguien sabe si el apellido es compuesto. Diferentes fuentes lo tienen como Christobal Martínez Lozano o simplemente como Christobal Martin Lozano o Christobal Lossano. Hasta ahora todos los hijos que he encontrado tienen el apellido Lozano solamente.

He encontrado su defunción el 13 de mayo de 1646. Dice que dejó testamento, pero el índice de testamentos del Archivo Histórico de Aguascalientes no parece tenerlo. Alguna idea?

Yo desciendo de su matrimonio con Maria de Isla por medio de su hija, también llamada Maria de Isla quien casó con Juan de Araisa Medina (el viejo). Pero no he podido encontrar la fecha de su matrimonio. De Juan de Araiza Medina sé que murió en 1665 y encontré su testamento. Estoy trabajando en una transcripción. Aparentemente era de Zacatecas, hijo de Fernando de Araisa y de Maria de Gusman.

Tampoco he podido encontrar datos sobre el año de nacimiento de Christobal, ni de su esposa, ni de su hija.

Muchas gracias!


This morning I would like to take on the topic of the Lozano family of Aguascalientes, especially Christobal Martinez Lozano. Mi first question is if anyone knows if the last name is a compound name as in Martínez-Lozano. The reason I ask is because I have found is written at least three ways. One place has him as Christobal Martin Lozano, and another as Christobal Lossano. All his children bear only the last name Lozano, as far as I have found.

I have found his death record: he died 13 May 1646 in Aguascalientes. It says he left a will, but the Aguascalientes Historical Archive index of wills does not seem to have it. Any ideas?

I am a descendant of his marriage with Maria de Isla, through his daughter also named Maria de Isla. She married Juan de Araisa Medina (the elder). But I have not been able to find their marriage date. About Juan de Araisa I know that he died in 1665 and have found his will, written 1664. I am working on a transcription. Through the will I have found that Juan was the son of Fernando de Araisa (the elder) and Maria de Gusman from Zacatecas.

However, I have been unable to find any clues as to Christobal's birth year, or those of his wife and daughter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Sergio Sean Salés