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Two recent 'brick walls': José Navarro and Juana Flores, and Perfecto Gonzalez

By Lawrence Bouett - Posted on 04 January 2013

I have had extraordinary success in conducting research on a friend's (primarily) Jalisco genealogy, much of it back to the late 16th- and early 17th-Centuries; but there remain several brick walls that are much more recent. Here are two of them:

José Navarro and Juana Flores are the parents of María Macedonia Navarro Flores. Macedonia, as she was known, married José Juan Campos (of the Martín del Campo line) Maldonado 07 January 1884 in Tecualtitán, Zapotlán del Rey. Her age was given in the record as 20, the daughter of José Navarro and Juana Flores. She was "... originaria y vecina de las Presas ...". I have been unable to find any further information about her birth date (and even location, for that matter), nor anything further about her parents, except that they are listed as abuelos in records of the births of Macedonia's children. Any information on this puzzle is greatly appreciated.

And even more recently: Sylviano Gonzalez married María Aurelia Reynoso in Guadalajara 03 March 1928. Sylviano's parents are given as Perfecto Gonzalez and María Josefina de Jesús Barba Ruíz. Both Perfecto and Josefina are listed in the 1930 census, and Perfecto's birth place is given as Zacatecas in the census. I have been able to trace Josefina's lineage back multiple generations, but Perfecto Gonzalez is a complete mystery to me. Again, any information is greatly appreciated.

Sometimes, these modern 'brick walls' persist for a long time; I went for more than 25 years without documentation for one of my own great-grandfathers, but when I was finally able to climb over the brick wall, I found him in Maryland and his family in Germany for multiple generations.

These two Mexican puzzles have confounded me for more than a year and a half.

Best wishes,
Lawrence Bouett