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FamilyTreeDNA Family Finder

By Armando - Posted on 29 December 2012

I never thought Family Finder was going to be able to go back 10
generations or so. I have found three different people through Family
Finder with whom I share a different ancestor about 10 generations back.
WIth one person I share ancestors on the Macias Valadez and Martín del
Campo lines. With another person I share ancestors on the
Cervantes-Villaseñor and Macias Valadez lines. With the third person we
share Diego de Burgos Villaseñor y Tovar as an ancestor. There are a couple
more that if I had their great-grandparents info I would most likely be
able to find our common ancestor. If enough people did this then we could
triangulate and figure out which markers are for which ancestor and at the
same time some missing branches could be found for some people. I recommend
everyone, even siblings, parents, and aunts/uncles to take this test and to
look closely at their matches no matter how distant the match seems to be.

Nunca pensé que pudiera encontrar parientes separados por 10 generaciones o
mas usando Family Finder. He encontrado tres parientes por medio de Family
Finder con quienes tenemos un ancestro en común hace 10 generaciones, mas o
menos. Con una persona coincidimos con ancestros por las lineas Macias
Valadez y Martín del Campo. Con otra persona coincidimos con ancestros del
apellido Cervantes-Villaseñor y otros del apellido Macias Valadez. Con otra
persona coincidimos con Diego de Burgos Villaseñor y Tovar como ancestro.
Si tuviera los bisabuelos de muchas otras personas seguramente podría
encontrar el ancestro que tenemos en común. Recomiendo que todos los
miembros (sus hermanos, padres, y tíos también) hagan este análisis de ADN
para completar lineas y para ayudar a otros que no han podido completar sus
