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By abram101 - Posted on 07 December 2012

So I want to try to trace my American/Mexican ancestors so is there any other website like that you don't have to pay?If someone is subscribed to it would be very nice helpful if you could help me out on finding my ancestors that lived in the u.s?I would ask my father but he separated from my mother when I was like 2 years old and we do not stay in touch at all I believe he still lives in Texas.

Father:Rogelio Flores Born:San Antonio Bexar 03 Jul 1951
Parents:Roberto Diaz Flores & Petra Flores
My mother told me that my dads father was born in Mexico but she doesn't know what part of Mexico and that my fathers mother was born in Texas County Bexar
Roberto and Petra had approx. 6 children

Rosalinda F Flores Birth:24 Jul 1958
Bexar County Texas

Santa Flores
16 Apr 1965

Ricardo Flores
30 Sep 1952

Rogelio F Flores(Dad)
03 Jul 1951
Bexar, Texas

Jose Ruben Flores
19 Mar 1946

Raul Flores
10 May 1948

It would mean a lot to me if someone helped me out tracing my dads ancestry or just gave me directions on what to do.