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By Laura Gonzalez - Posted on 01 December 2012

Hi everyone,

I spent most of my summer working on genealogy (I'm a teacher, so I was on vacation). I've just come back after a hiatus and I thought the time off might clear my head and give me some more ideas about how to find missing relatives. No such luck.

Maybe you can help with some ideas?

I'm looking for my ggrandmother, Vita Castañeda Galván. I have found other documents mentioning her, but not a baptismal certificate (which I have now become fixated on).

Name: (Ma) Vita Castañeda Galvan
Born: abt 1881-1883 (according to her marriage cert., she was 18 in 9/1899, birthday in June. Took place in Capilla de la Ermita)
Place: Jerez, Zac (Los Cuervos or El Tesorero). Everyone else was baptized at La Inmaculada)
Father: Gregorio Castañeda Segobia
Mother: (Ma.) Ysabel Galván Márquez
Paternal grandparents: Juan Casteñeda Gonzales, Jesus Segobia Martí
Maternal grandparents: Toribio Galván Llamas, Margarita Márquez Villegas

I've looked under Castañon, Castellanos, etc.,Galvan, with no luck. I've also gone through the images of books from La Inmaculada, with no luck.

Her marriage certificate says she was legitimate. Any other ideas?

ALSO, she told everyone she was born in 1870, but that isn't true according to everything else I've found. She was widowed at some point in the 20s (in Texas) and ended up marrying a first cousin (no children). Why would a woman lie about her age, making herself about 10 years older?

Laura González