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Need help with surname

By juanitahenniger - Posted on 25 November 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm still researching the Fulgencio Valdez and Cecilia Hernandes line. Born 20 years before 1831 or born in 1811. My biggest problem has been trying to figure out Celcilia's mother's last name.

Jose Maria Hernandes and his wife "Maria Gregoria Marmeto"...I know that the priest probably misspelled this but I can't find a surname that I can apply to mispelling.

Patrones ...Juan Esteban (can't understand if the this is his last name or a suppose to be a Spanish word) Y su mujer Maria Caluida Banegas.

Also in the sidebar it says what village they are from...but I can't figure out what village that would be.

In the marriage record that I found for a Jose Maria Hernandez and a Maria Geogoria Marceto it seems that Jose Maria is a widower and they were only married in 1825. Which would mean that Cecilia could not be Gregoria could not be her mother. Unfortunately this marriage is held in Ixmiquilpan and not Mequitic de Carmona which makes me think the records aren't related because in the Marriage record for Fulgenico and Cecila it states that they are both citizens of the village of ..... and therein lies my confusion or stumping.

last entry on left side (second page)

And to continue my dilemma in my continuing research I found a baptismal record for a Sillia Hernandes born in 1811 whose father is Jose Maria Hernandes but whose is mother is a Josefa de La Cruz.

Last entry on the second page.

I would like to say that I've tried all the extraction methods that the family history guides provides but my limited Spanish can sometimes be a disadvantage. I've been stumped on this for a couple of weeks now and I sure would like to make some progress, so all help is appreciated.

Could someone be kind enough to help me find me way around this puzzle. Thank you.