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A little help verifying a record.

By dpdelgadol - Posted on 26 September 2012

I hope the following is helpful to you.

En el año del Señor de mil ochocientos ochenta y nueve a veintie de Octubre en la iglesia parroquial de Mesquitic yo el Presbitero Dn. Jesús Ma. Colunga Cura parroco de esta jurisdiccion
bauticé solemnemente, puse Oleo y Crisma a un infante de nueve dias de nacido a quien puse por nombre Pilar h. l. [hija legítima] de Pedro Baldes y de Maliana [Matiana] Sandate vecinos de San
Pedro fue su madrina Florenlina [Florentina] Valdes a quienes advertí su obligación y parentesco espiritual. Y para que conste, lo firmé con el señor Cura.

In the year of the Lord one thousand eight hundred eighty and nine on 20 October in the parish church of Mesquitic I the Priest Don Jesus Maria Colunga pastor of this district solemnly baptized
and administered Oil and Chrism to an infant born nine days ago whom I named Pilar legitimate daughter of Pedro Baldes and of Matiana Sandate residents of San Pedro her godmother was
Florentina Valdes whom I advised of her spiritual obligation and relationship. In order to be registered, I signed it with the Pastor.
[note: Even though the names of the women are written with an "l", I used the standard spelling with a "t". There are also many other writing errors.]

David in Albany CA

On Wed 26/09/12 6:31 PM , sent:
> I need a little reading a baptismal record that I found. 'm looking for
> information on my great grandfather (Pilar Valdez) and my great grandmother
> (Romana Tovar) who moved from Mexico to Texas in 1912 with their two
> daughters (Elisa and Herlinda. Any ways I found the following record and
> I'm having a little trouble reading the names. I would appreciate any help
> confirming what I believe is my great grandfather's baptismal record.
> I think the name of the child is Pilar Baldes (I'm making the assumption
> that the name is mispelled or at least I'm hoping. My great great
> grandparents were Pedro Valdez and Matina Sandate. Would someone be kind
> enough to help me translate the record. Thank you.
> =1860864&wc=11680485