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My DNA results are back!

By Laura Gonzalez - Posted on 13 August 2012

This was done thru and I'm sort of confused.

**Brit: 34% (father's side)
**East Asian: 17% (Huh?)
**Scandinavian: 11% (Huh? I've read elsewhere that so many people are coming up with Scandinavian results that some wonder if there's a mistake happening on
**South Asian (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh): 10% (Huh?)
**Native North American: 8% (No surprise, as I'm Mexican. Just thought it might be higher.)
**Southern Europe: 7% (Again, as a Mexican, I would expect Spanish blood, I just thought it might be more.)
**Native South American: 6% (Huh?)
**Uncertain: 7%

Do Native Americans ever/often come up with Asian results, (since they migrated from Asia)?

Could South Asian be gypsies from Spain?

I'm not sure where the Native South American comes from. Do many Mexicans come up with this? Is this DNA from Natives who were in Mexico and continued on south?

I'm also curious if many Latinos ever come up with Middle Eastern results, since the Moors were in Spain for so long.

I know very little about all this, and I know to take it with a "grain of salt" so to speak. (But I am pretty excited!)

Any thoughts or comments?

Laura Gonzalez