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Help reading names

By Laura Gonzalez - Posted on 30 July 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm so excited because I found my great great grandmother's baptismal certificate, now we move into Huejucar, Jalisco, when just about everyone else was from Zacatecas.

This is her baptismal certificate (bottom left side):

Toribio Galvan
Margarita Marquez

Paternal grandparents:
Leon Galvan
Leonides ??

Maternal grandparents:
Antonio Marquez
Nasaria Villegas

However, her parents' marriage record looks to have different names (upper right).

Paternal grandparents:
Leon Galvan
Leonora ??

Maternal grandparents:
Antonio Marquez
Nasaria Flores??

Also, this appears to be Toribio's second marriage, he's a widower of Anacleta Sandoval?? Are the people at bottom the padrinos and witnesses?
