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Roy Rodriguez, Jr. (a.k.a. Uncle Relic) - new member introduction & "For Greater Glory"

By PappyRod - Posted on 28 June 2012

It's only by fate that I find myself at Nuestros Ranchos.
I took my wife to see "For Greater Glory" and came home to start researching the period. Among the numerous websites that came up on Google was NR and I was hooked.

I've been researching my maternal family (Italian) for over ten years but never had much information on my paternal side.

My paternal grandmother Dolores Villasenor was never married to the man that fathered my father. She left my father with his grandmother Martina Perez in 1924 and came to the U.S. to start a new life. She went back to Totatiche for my father in 1931. My father was raised as Rogaciano Villasenor and took the name Roy Villasenor Rodriguez when he was naturalized as a U.S. citizen during WWII. Rodriguez was the name of the man who eventually married my grandmother. My father spoke very little of the War and of his childhood in Mexico. One thing he did tell me was that we had both Spanish and Indian blood in our genes.

Time has taken it's toll on my memory, but I think my grandmother once told me that my grandfather was killed in the revolution. It was this vague memory that got me curious about this man my father never knew.

So, about three weeks ago, I went to FamilySearch and started looking. I immediately found my father as well as his older brother and sister - both listed as father unknown. Fortunately, my father's father was listed - Jesus del Real from Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Zacatecasas. At family lineage is clear! Now to find out what really happened to Jesus. I can not find his death record to document his death during the Christeros.

I've been going through Jalisco records day and night ever since and have gotten a great start to my tree, going back to my 4x Great Grandparents about 1770-1790.

Please visit my folder:

Regrettably, I do not speak Spanish as my father did not want to teach us. He studied very hard to learn English. He was very proud of his WWII service, loved his adopted country, and wanted to assimilate into American life.

With great anticipation, I seek to communicate with any relatives.

Regarding the movie: It was very enjoyable to watch, provided a somewhat accurate depiction of events, but more importantly it got me to do my own research.

Best regards to all,