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Help reading baptismal certificate
Can someone help me decipher the names with (??) on this baptismal
(left side, last entry)
Here's what I've figured out so far:
Name: Jose Tiburcio Castañeda
Gender: M
Baptism date: 26 Apr 1832
Church: San Cayetano
Birth date: 14 Apr 1832
Birth place: "Cerritos" Atolinga, Zac
Father's name: Julio Castañeda
Mother's name: Ma. del Refugio Gonzales
Paternal grandparents: Antonio Castañeda & Ma. Eugenia (??) de Haro (??)
Maternal grandparents: Salvador Gonzales & Gertrudis Mayorea Mayorga(??)
Also, what does "teniente" de cura mean?
I see (y me da risa), that baptismal certificates say "hijo legítimo" or
"h.l." Does that mean non-legitimate children (called "natural" right?)
weren't baptized? I cannot find my great-grandmother, but I found (some)
siblings. Maybe she wasn't baptized?