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mtDNA Haplogroup Database - NR Members - NEW RESULTS

By Claudia_Reynoso - Posted on 29 May 2012

Hi folks,
It has been almost a year since I've updated the NuestrosRanchos mtDNA databse located here:

I plan to upload some fresh additions but before I do that - given that more members have tested - I am posting this announcement in hopes that we get more interest and more additions.

If you want to add your details, please send me a private message and I will update. Please include:
1) mtDNA Haplogroup (A, B, C, D or X)
2) name of farthest ancestress you can document (mother's-mother's-mother, etc.)
3) date of birth for this ancestress
4) place of birth for this ancestress
5) your email address


Haplogrupos de mtDNA (ADN matrilineal) de los miembros de NuetrosRanchos. Favor de enviarme un mail privado si quieren agrerar su informacion. Subire una nueva version cada mes.
Favor de anotar:
1) Haplogrupo mtDNA (A, B, C, D, or X)
2) nombre de la madre ancestral mas lejana, que puedes documentar
3) fecha de nacimiento de esta mujer
4) lugar de nacimiento de esta mujer
5) tu correo electronico