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Entierros "humildes" and "de limosna"

By V.Q.C. - Posted on 22 April 2012

Hi, I would like to know what the difference was between entierros "humildes" and entierros "de limosna". I have also seen in records, that people actually gave money to the church (fabrica de ? pesos) so that the corpse could stay buried for a couple of years. I have also seen that in the burial records of San Martin Hidalgo of the 1820s, next to the corpse's race (e.g. español, yndio, mulato) the priest would write initials, most notably P. next to yndios, mulatos, and some españoles, and A. or Ad. to españoles. Has anybody encountered these initials before in burial records?

V. Quintero Castro