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la Familia Enrriques del Castillo (long)

By Lawrence Bouett - Posted on 05 April 2012

Consider the following:

Pedro Losano was married to Beatrís Enrriques del Castillo; they had at least seven documented children, five of them between 1700 and 1716, and all but the last of those five in 'la Estancia de la Vaqueria' in Jalos. There are at least two additional children, both female; their relationship to their parents is documented by their own marriages, in 1711 and 1718, respectively. Assuming the girl who married in 1711 was at least 16 years old, that makes her birth date no later than about 1695; so the marriage of Pedro Losano and Beatrís Enrriques del Castillo probably took place by 1694 or thereabout.

Padrinos at the birth of one of the Losano children, Joseph Miguel, in 1703 were "... Jacinto Losano y su muger Francisca Vasques ...".

Jacinto Losano, "... viudo de Francisca Vasques de Lara ...", married Lugarda Enrriques del Castillo in 'la Estancia' in 1712. The parents of Lugarda are given as 'Joseph Enrriques del Castillo y de Da Ana Tabera'—the apellido is unclear to me on the image [film 279295 image 145 page 45v] and I am unfamiliar with that name. This is certainly the same Jacinto Losano who was the padron at the baptism in 1703.

Now, this evidence begs the following questions: (1) are Pedro Losano and Jacinto Losano brothers (or at least related); and (2) are their spouses, Beatrís Enrriques del Castillo and Lugarda Enrriques del Castillo, sisters (or at least related)?

I have been unable to locate the marriage record for Pedro Losano and Beatrís Enrriques del Castillo, and the parents of Jacinto Losano are not given in the record of his second marriage, since he is identified only as 'viudo de ...' in the record.

Does anyone have any information that will illuminate this issue for me? I'm thinking, of course, of Hernando Enriques del Castillo in Guadalajara a generation earlier.

Best wishes,
Lawrence Bouett