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Relationship to bride and Groom from 1805 Jalpa Dispensa

By ArturoG - Posted on 15 March 2012

I'm reading this page of a dispensa from 1805 and I'm trying to figure if the three individuals named (Nicolas Viramontes, Carlos Gonzalez, and Seferino Gonzalez) are related to the the bride and groom.

The short story is that the groom (Antonio Baldovinos Gonzalez) kidnapped the bride (Antonia Viramontes Medina) after the father refused to permit them to marry when their 4-degree consanguinity was revealed by the marriage investigation. This page of the dispensa describes how it all went down:

One sentence that I can't fully make out reads: " extrajaron la noche citada Dn. Nicolas Viramontes, Dn. Carlos, Dn. Seferino Gonzalez, de?? dentro del segundo grado de los prentensos..." Can anyone figure out what the words are that I've marked with d?? ?

I was hoping to determine if indeed these three are related to the bride and groom. If they are 2nd degree related, how are these three men related of the bride and groom?

FYI, the family tree for the bride and groom is:

Catarina Benegas
Alexo Gonzalez Elvira Covarrubias [m: Matheo Albarado]
Juan [Carlos] Gonzalez Manuel[a] Albarado [b: Jan 12, 1717, El Teul]
Rita Gonzalez Christoval Viramontes
Antonio Baldovinos Antonia Viramontes

Thank you