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Information Re: Martin De Esparza and Juan De Esparza 1700's

By Bertha_Alicia60 - Posted on 02 December 2011

Hola Primos

I am asking for you expertise on the following; I have been looking all over for information regarding Martin de Esparza and Juan De Esparza (father and son). Juan de Esparza got married in Aguascalientes in 1752 with Ana Gertrudis Alonso De Los Hinojos (daughter of Manuel Alonso De Los Hinojos and Ma. Efigenia Ramirez). Juan de Esparza's parents were; Martin De Esparza and Manuela Preciado according to Juan's marriage record. Martin and Manuela had another son named Manuel Martin who was born in 1706 and died in 1790, there is a Juan Joseph Martin De Esparza in the Family search record, but it says "En El Sagrario Antes De La Asuncion" and I can't figure out how to get that record (What does Antes de la Asuncion means?). Now, if Juan De Esparza was married in 1752, I figure that he must have been born around 1724-1730. His marriage record establishes that he was from Calvillo and his son Joseph Santiago De Esparza married to Maria Munoz De La Barba in Jalostotitlan, Jalisco on 1791 was from the Villa De Aguascalientes. There are around four different Juanes in that same time period but only two from the Aguascalientes area the other two are from Cienega de Mata Ojuelos and Guanajuato and their mother was a Maria Concepcion not a Manuela. Which creates another problem since in 1731 a Jacinto Martin Esparza married to a Manuela de Luarca or Alorca (their son Manuel Martin died in 7 August 1748), There is a "De Esparza married to a Manuela De La Cruz which had a son named Po Juan De Esparza Cruz on 10 May 1725, and another Xacinto Martin De Esparza married to a Manuela de Los Reies on 18 August 1709. Now if Manuel Martin, Martin De Esparza and Manuela Preciado's son was born in 1706 according to his death record, that puts his parents birth around the 1675-1685's and the only Martins on that time period are Martin Ruiz De Esparza y Sotelo de Xaen and/or Xacinto Martin De Esparza (Matiana De Esparza with Alonso Martin), or were there any other Martin around that same time period? I will appreciate it very much if any of you could give me any information or any guide as to what should I do to resolve these missing links in order to complete my connection to the patriarch Lope Ruiz De Esparza. In advance I thank you.