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Need help translating Marriage of Nicolas Garzia & Maria de San Juan

By meef98367 - Posted on 20 July 2011

Yesterday I received help in reading the marriage record for Cayetano Garcia whose parents were Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan.

Now I am trying to find records for Nicolas and Maria, and there is more than one couple with those names.

The one I was looking at today is the marriage record for a Nicolas Garzia and a Maria de San Juan who were married on May 30, 1736 in Colotlan, Jalisco (Image 187 and 188). The other couple that I found would have been too old to be the parents of Cayetano, I think.

Whoever the scribe was, he used a lot of "shorthand" or abbreviations which make it hard for me to understand. I finally figured out the Yo. and Ya. and Yos, meant Yndio, Yndia, and Yndios. My husband's family were very gueros, light-haired with hazel eyes, so if this couple are his ancestors, then they must have "lightened up" through the centuries through intermarriage with only espanoles. All his other ancestors seem to be espanoles.

The record says, I think, that Nicolas was an Yndio from the "Vario de Tlaxo". Where, what is that? I think that for Maria it says she was from Zacatecas, from the "Haza. de Agustin Diaz", a hacienda? Where is that?

Also, the father of Nicolas is listed as Juan de la O and his mother simply as Juana Thomasa, and Maria's are listed as Francisco Ca----? (Calisto?) no last name, and no surname for Ana Maria, her mother.

If Juan was a "de la O" where does "Garzia" come in?

I thank you in advance for your help.

Port Orchard, WA