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Introduction gonzo4761

By gonzo - Posted on 05 June 2011

Hello and Saludos cordiales, my name is Lance Gonzalez and thank you for
allowing me to be a new member. I live in the area of Riverside, California
and am researching the maternal side of my father's family: The names of
Garcia Serratos Hernandez and Gutierrez are from Jalisco and later lived in

My great-grandfather Apolonio Garcia Serratos was said to be born in
Jalostotitlan Around 1872, although I could not find him in the church
registers of Jalos.

My Grandmother Agripina Garcia Hernandez was born in Acatic, Jalisco on the
23 of June 1907. The godparents "padrinos" listed on baptism were Abraham
Gonzalez, and Maria Rutila Gonzalez; brother & Sister, Don Abraham was later
the president of Acatic and a senator of Jalisco.

Agripina's older siblings:

Rafael Garcia born around 1902, Agustina Garcia Around 1905, he was said to
be a Lawyer Virginia Garcia, Around 1906, and Beatriz 29 July 1904, were
said to be born in Acatic also although I have not confirmed this. The
younger siblings" Salvador Garcia,Born 3 Mar 1916, Rebecca Garcia, around
1918 and Demetrio 1920 and they were born in either Fresnillo (Where
Agripina Garcia) attended the"Universidad de Autonoma").

On a side I made an earlier post to the "Research Forum" and I thought I had
made a post to the "History, culture and general discussion forum" Sorry I
am still learning my way around.