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Research Digest, Vol 64, Issue 17

By coronaarechiga - Posted on 18 May 2011

This is in response to Enrique (Message 6).
I was just working on our Brambila line today and found your information very informative. Especially about the name being italian--I had assumed they were Basque: Because of the Arriaga.

My research results is a little different from yours...but I'm new at this; but I've tried to cross-reference everything with at least 2 sources (baptism and marriage).

I have Augustin Brambila (b. 7 Sept., 1680 in Tecolotlan) married to Antonia Gonzales. I got this from the Marriages of their sons, Diego Brambila and Jose Juaquin; and Joaquin's baptism (1719).
I believe I found the parents: Joseph Brambila (Bap. 4 Aug. 1664 in San Miguel, Cocula) and his wife's name listed on Augustin's Baptism is Antonia Ybarra (but I haven't confirmed it with a marriage.

I believe I also found Joseph's parents (baptism record of Joseph); They are listed also as Joseph Brambila de Arriaga and his wife: Catalina Lomelin.
I have found 4 children Spelled all different ways because it seems the priests spelled phonetically and maybe people didn't always speak clearly.
The other children besides Joseph are Manuel (13 Jun 1663; Teocuitatlan de Corona, Jal.); Antonio (27 july, 1659;Teocuitatlan de Corona, Jal.); and Lorensa (11 Sept., 1661; Teocuitatlan de Corona, Jal.).

It seems the Brambila's have spread themselves throughout Jalisco---there are lots in Santa Rosalia and Autlan. My particular line descends from Juaquin through his son Andres Maria, and then Gregorio, then Jose Ygnacio Regino.

Please let me know if the information I have is wrong--as I said, I'm new at this; but it is definitely fun.

Thank you

> >
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 14:14:18 -0700 (PDT)
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Familia Brambila y Arriaga (Brambila y
> Arriaga Family)
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hola:
> Primero que nada, un saludo para todos ustedes ya que soy nuevo en este grupo y espero poder colaborar en conjunto con ustedes a partir de este momento.
> Uno de los temas que ha sido de mi particular int?res ha sido el origen de la familia Brambila, asentada en su mayor?a en el estado de Jalisco.
> El apellido es italiano, lleg? a la Nueva Espa?a con el conquistador italino Juan Antonio Brambilla, despu?s se castellaniz? el apellido pasando a escribirse con una sola "l". Juan Antonio Brambilla, cas? con la hija del conquistador Antonio de Arriaga y su descendencia pas? a denominarse "Brambila y Arriaga".
> Despu?s de investigar el origen de esta familia en Tecolotl?n, trat? de enlazar a este Juan Antonio Brambilla con el primer Brambila que residi? en Tecolotl?n, este fue Don Agust?n de la Brambila y Arriaga, que estaba casado con Do?a Antonia Isabel de Ibarra, haya por mediados de 1600's, estos tuvieron dos hijos Agust?n y Alejandro de la Brambila y Arriaga, de los cuales desciende mi familia y la mayor?a de los Brambila de Jalisco.
> Quisiera saber si alguien m?s que ha investigado al respecto a encontrado el lazo entre las personas ya mencionadas.
> De antemano, muchas gracias.
> Hello:
> First of all, greetings to all of you because I'm new in this group and I hope to work together with you from now.
> One topic that has been of my particular interest has been the origin of the Brambila family, settled mostly in the state of Jalisco.
> The surname is Italian, it came to New Spain with the italian conqueror Juan Antonio Brambilla, it changed then to be written just with one "l". Juan Antonio Brambilla, married the daughter of the conqueror Antonio de Arriaga and his descendants became to be known as "Brambila y Arriaga. "
> After researching the origin of this family in Tecolotl?n, I tried to link this Juan Antonio Brambila Brambilla with the first Brambila that lived at Tecolotl?n, this was Don Agustin de la Brambila y Arriaga, who was married to Do?a Antonia Isabel de Ibarra, that was by mid-1600's, they had two children August?n and Alejandro de la Brambila y Arriaga, of which my family descends and most of the Brambila in Jalisco.
> I wonder if anyone else has researched this to find the link between the people I have already mentioned.
> Thank you very much in advance.
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