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Where Else Can I Search

By Henricus - Posted on 30 March 2011

Okay, I've searched just about everything online for a particular ancestor that I could find. All of the online LDS stuff, which is basically the Catholic Church records they have. I am looking for the birth of Enrique Chavez.

I have the following information and I'm wondering where else to look. I've found everything from the 1930's Census, I have his tombstone photo, his marriage and his kids births document. But not his birth. I have his wedding document of 1904. In this document it says that he is 45 years old at the time of his marriage. I think this is a mistake by the priest. It should have been 35 in 1904, if he in fact was born in 1870. The tombstone shows he was 92 at his death in 1960, which is yet another year of birth.

Enrique Chavez was said to have been born to Jose Jacinto Chavez and Maria Guadalupe Ruiz De Esparza. These two were married in Aug 1872, yet Enrique was born in 1870 or earlier! Previous to this marriage, Jacinto had been married to Maria Guadalupe's sister, Maria Estanislao. That marriage began in Jul 1863. I have births from this first marriage all the way up to 1870. Subsequently, births began in 1873 with the new wife about 8 months after the second wedding. I have documents for all the births except Enrique!

I have the wedding document for this second marriage and it shows Jacinto as a Viudo (widower) and it even lists his first wife by name. However, the document shows that the first wife had been dead for 18 years! Not bloody likely, according to the documents I found.

Is there a any place else I can look for records? Maybe the city where he was born?

Henry Chavez