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Where is Villa de Leon, Obispado de Michoacan?

By RaquelRuiz - Posted on 03 March 2011

I am hoping someone can enlighten me about the location of "Villa de Leon,
Obispado de Michoacan". It is the place of origen of Madgalena Ortiz, "hija
legitimas de Philipe Ortiz, ya difunto, y de Juana Barrera.", noted in the
22 June 1722 dispensation (Cuquio, Jal). on page 27 of *Sagrada Mitra de
Guadalajara...* by Maria de la Luz Monejano Hilton. Philipe Ortiz and Juana
Barrera are my 8ggpts. I get the impression that the Obispado de Michoacan
in that period covered a huge area, larger than the present state of
Michoacan. Could it be referring to Leon, Gto? Thank you for your

Raquel Ruiz