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Prudencio Marin Herrera and Nicolaza Paula SanMartin y...

By lunalatina1955 - Posted on 17 January 2011

Parece que hubieron varios Prudencio Marin Herrera, pero en la acta de
dispencion, --se menciona que era vecino de Ojo de Rana, cercas de Tlaltenango,
Zacatecas (aunque sospecho que este rancho queda mas cercas a Atolinga).
El se caso con Nicolaza Paula de San Martin y Estrada. Tienes razon, creo
que tambien tuvo el nombre Bernardino, pero utilizo ese nombre nada mas
cuando nacio su primera hija. Ya, despues unicamente utlizaba el nombre de

En la misma acta de dispensacion, indica que sus padres se llamaban Luis
Marin Herrera y su mama se llamaba Roza Serrano, ambus difuntos en el ano
1744. Pienso que la mama de Luis Marin Herrera se llamaba Lucia Marina.

I think there were various Prudencio Marin Herrera, but in the the acta de
marriage dispensation, it is mentioned that he was a neighbor of Ojo de
Rana, which would have been close to Tlaltenango (although I have reason to
believe this was closer to Atolinga). You are correct, I believe his first
name was Bernardino, but he only used this name once, when his first female
child was born, Thereafter, he used Prudencio.

In the same marriage dispensation, it indicates that his parents were Luis
Marin Herrera and his mother was Roza Serrano, both having perished by
1744. I think that the mother of Luis Marin Herrera was Lucia Marina - or
Lucia Marin? No father was mentioned.

Does anyone have any knowledge where these ranchos may have been located:
Ojo de Rana,
MecatabascoVilla de Refugio
Machaela Ponce?