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Marqueses de San Juan de Rayas

By San Jose de Llanetes - Posted on 09 October 2010

Estimada Sylvia,

No se adonde usted puede comprar este libro, pero tengo algo interesante de los Sardanetas/el titulo de San Juan de Rayas:

III Marques de San Juan de Rayas- don Jose Maria de Sardenta y Bustos, Caballero de la Orden de Guadalupe, caso en primeras nupcias con dona Ignacia Rubio; y en secundas nupcias caso el Marques de San Juan de Rayas con dona Maria de Jesus Mosqueira, naciendo de este matrimonio dona Maria Guadalupe de Sardaneta y Mosqueira, que fallecio soltera. Extinguida la linea de don J.M. de Sardaneta y Bustos, Marques de San Juan de Rayas, y a su muerte, el titulo quedo vacante, resultado suprimido el 13 de octubre de 1855.

There have been many who have tried to rehabilitate the title of Marques de San Juan de Rayas, but by a law of 21 March, 1980 the right to rehabilitate titles was limited to the following:

1. Direct descendants, brothers or sister and direct descendants of

brothers or sisters of the last legal possessor of the title.

2. Collaterals to the fourth degree of the last legal holder;

3. Direct descendants of anyone who can legitimately claim this

In the case of (1) provided the petition was made within three years of the death of the last holder, the extra fees for rehabilitation( about $60,000) would be waived. In the case of (2) and (3) the petitioner was required to demonstrate his or her position and profession and services to the community.

By a further law of 11 March 1988, the requirements for rehabilitation were further restricted. Not only was stricter documentation required, which had to be examined by the Deputation of Grandezas and the Council of State, but any title which had been in abeyance for more than one hundred years or more could not be rehabilitated.

Because of a scandal involving several well-known figures accused of responsibility for the provision of questionable documentation, the process of rehabilitation has now been further restricted, at least temporarily, except for those whose petitions were made before 1993. Only those titles which have been in abeyance (or disuse) for less than forty years can now be rehabilitated.

So, the title of Marques de San Juan de Rayas is difunct and will never be used again.