To post

By San Jose de Llanetes - Posted on 27 July 2010

Hello all,

I am looking for the parents of my ggggrandmother, Urzina Hernandez. She was probably born in the 1830's or 1840's as she is the second wife of Cayetano Borjon who was born in abt 1825. I am related to the following families from this area: Borjons, Rincons, de Leons, Guererros, Ricos, Montellanos, Betancourts, Arias',Mesas,Lunas, Garcias, Mergils, Buenos, Magallanes',Amaros, Gonzalez',Hernandez',Carrillos, Laras, Villavencencios, Amayas, Santos', Roldans, and last but not least Barrios'. Thank you for your interest.

Christopher Barrios de Leon