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Genealogical records from Nueva Galicia (Mexico), 1537-1777.

By Angelina Markle - Posted on 14 July 2010


Has anyone seen this book? I was wondering if it was worth taking a drive up to Berkley - it appears to be the only library that has it. Sounds interesting but I've been burned so many times with books that I wanted to see if I could get some input first.
Genealogical records from Nueva Galicia (Mexico), 1537-1777.

Card catalogue description: Collection of genealogical documents (originals and certified copies) concerning interrelated families of Nueva Galicia-notably the Flores, de la Torre, Alvarado,Contreras, Angulo, Figueroa, Padilla, Bañuelos, and Oñate families. Composed principally of files on genealogical inquiries conducted by the Audiencia of Guadalajara or lesser local tribunals at the request of petitioners José and Nicolás Flores de la Torre, Archdean Diego Flores de Latorre, Presbyter Luis Gómez de Alvarado, and others, who claimed kinship with such noted conquistadors as Pedro de Alvarado, Hernán Flores, Diego Pérez de la Torre (successor of Nuño de Guzmán), andFrancisco de Figueroa. With two appended genealogical reports, one prepared by the Precentor of the Guadalajara Cathedral on certain Juchipila families and the other on the Flores, de la Torre, and González families, compiled by the Inquisition and a university official, Dr. Vicente Ignacio Peña Brizuela, at the request of Vicente Flores de la Torre y González. Contains petitions, questionnaires, testimony, texts of royal decrees, viceregal or judicial orders, powers of attorney, certifications, related material, and two colored coats of arms.

