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Does Anyone have Any Info on these People? Or Know where to find?

By TnyEscatel1 - Posted on 01 June 2010

Hello I Have Been Looking For Some More Info for Some more of my Family...
But Yet Again I Need Help finding more about the following People...

Hola Yo Eh Estado Buscando mas Informacion sobre mas Familiares Mios
Pero otra vez estoy ocupando Mas Ayuda en Encotrar mas Informacion de lAs Siguientes familiares.....

Petronila Martinez Godina, Her Maiden Name/Nombre de Soltera..
Married Carlos Escatel Lujan
I Donot know what Happened to her if she died young or divorced or remaried,,,
I found in a post Carlos Married 4 times... So I donot know....
Their Marriage Record says; married 1889 in Chimaltitan, Jalisco,

her Parents where Santiago Martinez and Monica Godina, I donot know more about them...

Margarito Rivera Bugarin.......
his Wife Maria Ysabel Pallares
married 26 of april 1900 in Tlatenango De Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas

Maria ysabel parents.. where...Onofre Pallares and Serapia Gutierrez
i am going to Assume they were from Zacatecas...
I did find she had a Sister named Maria De Los Angeles Pallares Married to Alvino Bautista

My Grandma's Side...

Luisa Villegas Married to Jose Abraham Airada 17 Feb 1898... in Chimaltitan
her parents where Juan Villegas and Maria (De) Haro
need more on her parents...

I would Really appreciate the help... : )