You are hereAcidfree Albums / Members Genealogical Scans / Dávalos / Perez-Gonzalez / Joseana Olivar and Cresencia Gutierrez with M. del Refugio Olivar and J. Luciano Olivar
Joseana Olivar and Cresencia Gutierrez with M. del Refugio Olivar and J. Luciano Olivar

Picture of Joseana Olivar son of Juan Olivar and Cresencia Padilla Little girl is Refugio Olivar and the baby is my father j. Luciano Olivar. This is a American passport later in the year 1932 all Mexican Americans were deported to Mexico. My father luciano was born in Nebraska and M.Refugio was born in Chicago. My Dad returned to the USA during WWII for induction. He got into the wrong line and stayed as a bracero.