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Brick Walls---Research Digest, Vol 50, Issue 16

By mimasep1959 - Posted on 17 March 2010

I agree that this was a great idea to pose our brick walls to those who attended the conference. As a member of the Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society, we have some of our brick walls posted on our website already.
Earlier this month, I attended the Conference, and have already benefited from this exercise. Another attendee, Jerry Munoz was able to help me with one of my brick walls. His assistance helped me greatly with my San Juan de los Lagos, Jal. del Portillo and Gallardo lines. I only hope that I can help the individual whose information I drew. I am working on it.

I look forward to attending the next conference in Southern California. I hope that Ranchos members from the south can make it happen.

Irma Gomez Gtz.
N. Calif.

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 16:26:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] "brick walls"

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At the Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society conference held March 6, 2010, they had a "brick wall" demo family tree with paper cut-out leaves on it. The idea was that a member could write down on a paper leaf his/her "brick wall" in his own genealogy research and perhaps someone else would choose his/her leaf and help break through it. I think it's a great concept, except that it might've been better to let any and all choose the same leaf.

My question is this: since we already experience daily with questions from various members, why couldn't each of us create a file/folder listing our own "brick walls" in it? These files could stay permanent and updated as needed.

Perhaps other members could browse through these files and find one that they could tackle and help break through it? In addition to periodic inquiries of our members, this might prove to be a good challenge for our own genalogists that love mysteries?

Just a thought.

Joseph de Leon
