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mixture of clans

By Visitor - Posted on 22 February 2010

Up to now the purest according to dna were the irish. They did not mix with other cultures the way the iberians did. I say up to now but I mean yesterday. The latest dna findings show that many many african tribes completely intermarried within the group and there is where you find the "purest" groups.
The iberian peninsula was the original melting pot of the first 1000 years ad. Before that I would have to do more research. The last 500 years obviously the americas have been the melting pot.
------Original Message------
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Madera from Huejuquilla El Alto
Sent: Feb 21, 2010 10:21 PM


With respect to your comment that the Irish came from Northern Spain, I am not sure that I agree. The Celts settled both Northern Spain and the British Isles, but I am not sure there is good data that the sequence was Northern Spain then Ireland. For example, the myth that the Black Irish are Spaniards that were shipwreck victims from the defeated Spanish Armada is complete fantasy, given my historical sources.

Furthermore, the Felgueres/Villegas family in Huejuquilla el Alto also derive from the de los Santos Coy family via Saltillo. The latter Santos Coy family, along with the de la Garza Falcon family and others, were from Lepe, Huelva, Spain. Arguably, these families were conversos (ex-Jews). See the book "Conquistadores and Crypto-Jews of Monterrey" by David T. Raphael. I admit that Raphael lacks solid data.

In my historical and DNA reviews, there is nothing "pure" in any family of Mexico, especially our area of investigation. In my mind, Spain itself was the largest admixture of genes in Europe from 1000 BCE to 1492 ACE: Celt-Iberians, Phoenicians, Romans, Jews, Visigoths (Germans), Berbers, Arabs, and others.

Shuffle the deck = Spaniard.

Shuffle the deck once more (plus NAI) = Mejicanos.
