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Mexican Imperial Almanac of 1866

By A_Tejano - Posted on 25 January 2010

I just found a great find through doing some searches this past weekend in relation to Imperial Orders of Mexico. It appears that there was an Almanaque Imperial produced during the reign of Maximiliano y Carlota. The one I found was from the year 1866, when Imperial control reached its full extent in Mexico.

There is a wealth of information, especially names to be found. Among them is military information that seems so hard for many of us to get to. For example, the comisarios imperiales are listed. The area we are looking into was divided between the Tercera Division, its capital being San Luis Potosi. The area, while including San Luis Potosi also included Fresnillo, which i'm guessing encompassed the northern half of Zacatecas. The rest of Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Colima and Nayarit among other area's were under the Cuarta Division, its capital being Guadalajara.

Departamentos del Imperio are also listed. Breaking it down from the prefect of the region, to the subprefects of the various cities of those regions.

I also have a seperate list, but also overlaps in many places with the almanaque imperial, of those knighted during the Second Mexican Empire from these three states. I collected this list from a book I had just learned about called Genealogias de Familias Antiguas Mexicanos, published in 1908.

I intend to post up these in the files section. I didn't post a link as the almanac is scattered throughout google in pdf format, although I can post some links if anyone wants to look through that whole book. The Genealogias book, which is actually 3 seperate and large books, I looked through it in person at the special collections section at my university.