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Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Conference

By oldcar53 - Posted on 15 January 2010

Dear Nuestros Ranchos Members:

The Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society of Northern California
will be hosting a Geanology conference in the San Jose / Milpitas area of Northern Californa, the weekend of March 6 & 7, 2010.

We are happy to announce that one of our Guest Speakers will be none other than Arturo Ramos of Washington DC, our illustrious Nuestros Ranchos leader. If only we could have both Joseph and Arturo.Our other illustrous guest speaker will be Rose Hardy who is also a member of Nuestros Ranchos and like Arturo, is also a published author.

We're still in the throes of the preparations thanks to Helyn Sparkman's gargantuan efforts. As soon as we know how many people will be attending we'll provide you with the venue. We need to have your commitment on or before January 29th.

If you or anyone you know is interested in attending, please make your reservation with Helyn or Maria or if you have any questions about lodging or transportation they will be happy to assist you. See their e-mail below. One of the possible venues is the Sheraton Hotel in Milpitas/San Jose.

visit our website at
Helyn Sparkman,  
Maria Cortez

We invite all Nuestros Ranchos members to attend and even participate as presenters. We know there are many talented individuals with much wisdom to share. We hope to see you here as an attendee or a presenter!!

En Español

La Sociedad Genealogica de Nueva Galicia, del Norte de California se complace en invitar a todos los miembros de Nuestros Ranchos a una conferencia Genalogica que se efectuara los dias 6 y 7 de Marzo, 2010, en San Jose / Milpitas California.

Tenemos el gusto de anunciar que dos miembros muy ilustres de Nuestros Ranchos seran los invitados de honor, Arturo Ramos, de Washington DC y Rose Holly de Fresno, California. Ambos han publicado libros de su Genealogia y daran presentaciones

Si tienes un tema de interes que quieras presentar con respecto a la Genealogia, por favor comunicate con Helyn Sparkman o Maria Cortez. 

Gracias al gran esfuerzo de Helyn Sparkman, la coordinadora local, hay un par de sitios para el evento, pero antes de finalizar el local, es necesario que se apunten todos los interesados en acudir para reservar el sitio adecuado. 

Si te interesas tu o conoces alguien que tenga interes en estudios Genealogicos, hagan su reservacion antes del 29 de Enero , envia un e-mail a Helyn Sparkman, o Maria Cortez y visita nuestro sitio,

Alicia Carrillo
San Jose, Calif