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Y DNA Update

By Visitor - Posted on 29 June 2009

Hello Everyone, seeing the post today in regards to Y DNA results, It occurred to me that I said I would share my results when they came in. Sorry I didn't do this sooner, although I'm sure no one was losing sleep over it ( HA !) My Y DNA results are E1b1b1a2 \ Shorthand E-V13. It is the 3rd most common haplogroup among European men and considered one of the core or founding groups in Europe. It is the only E subclade that is found in low frequencies (2% ) in N. Africa. This subclade is associated with the Balkans where the largest worldwide percentage of E-V13 is found. It is used to identify ancient peoples such as the Illyrians, Thracians and Macedonians, as well as Greeks. Modern populations that show high percentages of E-V13 are Albanians, Peloponnesian Greeks, Bulgarians and Macedonians.

As far as Spain is concerned, it is found in low numbers and mostly confined to the west of the country, the highest percentages being found in Extremadura (9%), Galicia (7%) and NW Castile (6%). It was, at one time, thought to be found in Spain due to ancient Greek exploration and settlement, but Greek settlements noted are only found on the east coast in the regions of Cataluña and Valencia. The vast majority of “E” Y DNA in Spain is associated with the Berbers, but this is sub clade E-M81.

One theory as to how a DNA marker so prevalent in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean made it's way to Western Europe and Spain can be found in a town in Wales called Abegele. A study was conducted involving the town and out of 18 men tested, 7 tested positive for the marker E-V13. A wider study was conducted and it concluded that 40 % of the men in the town carried the E-V13 marker. It turns out in antiquity; Abergele was an important Roman town. It was not garrisoned by Romans \ Italians, but by Thracian auxiliaries and other men with a Balkan origin. A similar scenario could also apply to Spain, perhaps the marker made it's way there with auxiliaries in the Roman army ? The E-V13 marker also found it's way into Afghanistan and Pakistan with the men in Alexander the Great's army. A small percentage is found amongst groups who claim these men as their ancestors.

So what does it all mean?well, for one, I'm the only E-V13 on Gary Felix's website, the “Geneology of Mexico”. There are others who have the same 12 \37 marker results, but have not done the deep clade test, so who knows ? As far as helping me with my genealogy studies, as of yet it has not. I'm thinking that my ancestors in Spain may have come from one of the western provinces, perhaps Extremadura, but it’s all speculation at this point. Sorry to bore you all ! Thanks for your patience!

Robert ~