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DNA, Backbone SNP TEST

By oldcar53 - Posted on 22 May 2009

Dear Nuestros Ranchos members,

I have a question regarding our recent DNA sample submitted to Family Tree DNA. We submitted a sample and have received the MTDNA, for HVR1 and HVR2. My question is about my brother's Y DNA. They indicated they could not predict his haplogroup therefore they will be running his DNA sample through what they call Backbone SNP. Have any of you experienced this? Is this common or is this an anomaly?

During the 3rd Annual Family Tree DNA Conference on Genetic Genealogy, we announced that if we could not predict your haplogroup with 100%
confidence, we would run your DNA sample through our Backbone SNP test for
free. Please note that the DNA values that you received are
correct, it is the haplogroup that we would like to confirm through this
additional test.

Thanks for your help,
Alicia, San Jose, Calif