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Ancestry of Maria de Haro y Saucedo

By arturoramos - Posted on 20 April 2009

I have collected tidbits of information about the ancestry of Maria de Haro y Saucedo who was married to Juan de Miramontes in Tlaltenango, Zacatecas sometime in the lat 1500s (likely 1580 to 1590) but have been unable to find definitive documentation of the details of her ancestry.

There are documents that state in vague terms that she was the descendant of Pedro de Bobadilla, original encomendero of Tepechitlan and of Juan Delgado, original encomendero of El Teul. It is also very probable that she is the descendant of Diego de Colio and his daughter Teresa de Colio y de la Torre.

Here is what I have and would appreciate any feedback or augmentation of these facts:

- Her grandson Nicolas de Haro, born in 1617, son of Hernando de Haro and Maria Gonzales de Mendoza, in his declarations of clean blood for the priesthood states that he is the great-grandson "bisnieto" of Pedro de Bobadilla and Maria de Saucedo, which would make Maria de Haro y Saucedo their daughter. However, there appears to be a generation missing here if one figures that Pedro Bobadilla's one documented son Francisco Bobdilla was born in 1542 and Maria de Haro y Saucedo was having children at the turn of the century. Nicolas was most likely their great-great grandson making his grandmother their granddaughter. Francisco Bobadilla died and left the encomiendo to his unnamed sister... possible mother of Maria de Haro y Saucedo???

- A woman, named Ana de Saucedo, who is identified as the aunt of Nicolas' father Hernando de Haro (and therefore Maria de Haro y Saucedo's sister) states that she was the granddaughter of Martin Gonzales, from whom she inherited lands that her grandfather had received through a "merced". This would make Maria de Haro y Saucedo Martin Gonzalez's grandaughter as well.

- In a document dated 1627 in Zacatecas (which I have been unable to find a definitive reference for) Luis Felix Delgado gives testimony of the land he and his brothers Gaspar Gonzalez and Pedro Albertis inherited from his father Martin Gonzalez. This would make Maria de Haro y Saucedo the daughter of one of these men or their niece.

- Jaime Holcombe lays out the following descendancy from Juan Delgado:
- Luis Delgado
- Beatriz Delgado m. Martin Gonzalez
- Magdalena Delgado m. Alejos Gonzalez
This would make Beatriz Delgado the sister of Luis Felix Delgado, Gaspar Gonzalez and Pedro Albertis and possibly the mother or aunt of Maria de Haro y Saucedo.

- John Schmal has pointed out that in a book by Jose Ignacio Davila Gabiri, the following descendancy of Don Diego Colio and his connection to the Haros:
- Captain Don Diego de Colio m. Doña Catalina de la Torre and they had the
- Doña Teresa de Colio y de la Torre b. 1566 or 1567 m. Captain Hernando de Haro
(Hernando de Haro was founder and one of the first settlers of of Compostela)
- Don Hernando de Haro y Colio b. 1591, d. 1660 in Zacatecas
- Don Rodrigo de Haro y Colio b. 1607 m. Doña Antonia Maldonado
- Don Sebastian de Haro y Colio b. 1610 m. Doña Juana de Tovar y Villalba
- Two other unnamed children
The likely culprit here would be Hernando de Haro, for whom Maria de Haro y Saucedo's son was named, but he may have been named for an uncle.