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Source please for ... Ana Dominguez de Inojos from Daniel

By Patricia Burton - Posted on 21 January 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dear Daniel--

I would like to see this dispensa myself. Could you tell me what Microfilm it is on or in what book and on what page?

Many thanks.

Patricia Burton
San Diego, Ca.

--- On Tue, 1/20/09, Daniel M�ndez del Camino wrote:

> From: Daniel M�ndez del Camino
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Ana Dominguez de Inojos
> To: "Patty Hoyos"
> Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 8:06 PM
> Hi Jaime, from the "dispensa" if you read my last
> funny story it wasnt a dispensa but a warning from the Pope
> and the church. This is what I have Felipe Alonso de los
> Hinojos hijo legítimo de José Alonso de los Hinojos y
> Teresa Ruiz de Esparza...porque dice Josepha Márquez de
> Ulloa (she was alive and swore all this info was correct she
> herself was a granddaughter of Lope) Porque de tronco es
> Lope Ruiz de Esparza quien tuvó a María y Jacinto Ruiz de
> Esparza, Jacinto tuvó a Teresa Ruiz de Esparza madre del
> pretensoy mi madre María prima de ella. Yo tuvé Leonor de
> Villagrán y Ulloa madre de la pretensa (Agueda de Estrada.
> Felipe's father (José Alonso de los Hinojos was son of
> Pedro Alonso and Ana Domínguez if im correct. Maybe Bill
> can sustain my statement? ALso. There is a Leonor Sánchez
> de Hinojos how does she fit in is she a daughter of Pedro?
> Where does Sánchez come from. Eventually the last bit of
> the dispensa says something about no debéis estar juntos ni
> veros along the lines basically a warning.
> -Daniel Méndez del Camino
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