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Teocaltiche,Jalisco and surrounding areas.

By oldcar53 - Posted on 04 January 2009


Have any of your searches led you to Nochistlan? Many families began in
Nochistlan Zacatecas and moved out to surrounding areas. Teocaltiche,
Mexticacan, Yahualica, Cuquio, Tepatitlan and Jalostitlan are some of
Jalisco's surrounding/neighboring towns.
Some surrounding towns from outside of Jalisco and within Zacatecas are
Jalpa, Huanusco, Tepusco, Apulco and Villanueva among others. Keep
these in mind when doing your research, know the geographical area.

See below from WIKIPEDIA, and while there are some discrepancies, for the most part this was one of the first official Spanish settlements in the three states, Aguascalientes, Jalisco and Zacatecas.

Nochistlán is a town in the Mexican state of Zacatecas. Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán, on December 3, 1531, hired Juan de Oñate to establish a village in Nochistlán; the village would be named Guadalajara to honor Guzmán for having been born in Guadalajara. Guadalajara was founded in Nochistlán on January 5,
having as officials Juan de Oñate, Sancho Ortíz de Zuñiga and Miguel
Ibarra. They worked at this project for only 16 months and created the
first layout of Guadalajara.
The first news that we have regarding the natives of these lands points to the Tecuexes.
These people established settlements around 1000 A.D. Later in the 12th
century a new group of people moved in, these people were called Caxcan and they were from the valley in Tuitlán, which is now found in the municipality of Villa Nueva Zacatecas. The Caxcan established Nochistlán by driving out the Tecuexe by force.

Hope this helps,
San Jose, Calif

From: Veronica Rahorn
Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2009 5:06:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Teocaltiche,Jalisco

I don't know if anyone has responded to you, but I am very interested in
hooking up with other people who are descendents from the Teocaltiche
region. I have traced my history back to 1805 to Teocaltiche, but family
records are few. I think it's because my family was new to Teocaltiche
around this time frame. I need to order more films to see if I can get any
clues as to where they came from. I would be really interested in migration
patterns to Teocaltiche.
