You are hereForums / Genealogy Research / Rocamonte


By nc_coleman - Posted on 10 December 2008

Someone inquired about a place known as Rocamonte. I personally have no knowledge of this place, so I went to the LINKS section of NUESTROS RANCHOS (it is part of the title banner). Once on the LINKS page I looked under GEOGRAFIC AND LOCALITY INFORMATION, and then to ZACATECAS MUNICIPALITIES. On this page there is a BUSCAR button (Find), and I was able to enter "Rocamonte". The only thing that came up was information related to Rocamonte was the following (and this appears to NOT be a settlement) in the municipality of Concepcion de Oro:
Hidrografia: "Sobre los aprovechamientos de agua subterránea cabe resaltar: Guadalupe Garzarón, Ciénega de Rocamontes, Anáhuac, San José del Mezquital, de estos dos últimos dos se extrae el agua que alimenta la red de distribución general en la cabecera municipal. Cuenta con pozos de uso doméstico y otros dedicados al riego para beneficiar una superficie de un poco mas de 500 hectáreas." Note - it says Cienega de Rocamontes. Note also its' location in the NE corner of Zacatecas, bordering ...?? an unknown state (the map of Zacatecas on this page does not show the neighboring states).
While many municipalities have webpages, Concepcion de Oro does not appear to have one.
This is the only search I made regarding Rocamonte - but there may other searches you can make.

natalie coleman