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Germanic roots?

By Angelina Markle - Posted on 08 December 2008

Hello everyone,

In answer to Joseph's request that we share more openly the information that each of us possess, I thought I would share a little tidbit that I came across. Many years ago in a passing conversation with my father-in-law the name Guzman came up and he commented that it was of german origin, I had always thought of it as a hispanic name since it is common in Mexico. However, recently I found that my father in law was probably right. In researching my Padilla line I started reading the history of Spain and the term "Godos" kept coming up. If I understood correctly, "Godos" refers to Goths - a germanic tribe. These Goths ruled what is now part of Spain for hundreds of years. With that in mind, it is easy to see why so many "Altenos" are tall and fair skinned.
