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Wishful thinking Vs. Reality

By Claudia_Reynoso - Posted on 27 September 2008

I glanced at the entries regarding the whole Thomas Edison debate and I couldn't go to bed without imparting my two cents.

I think that in this day and age--and with the information available to us--we must stop perpetrating unproved myths and folklore. At the very minimum for the sake of the credibility of our own hard work and efforts in researching our past.

Isn't it amazing that with a few minutes of Internet time, Emilie was able to debunk what may have been a story repeated for possibly decades? Thank you Emilie for taking the time to set matters straight!

I am verbalizing what I am sure some of you feel when reading posts about so-and-so being related to someone powerful and famous. Someone who may have been the illegitimate child of Royalty... or whose G-G-G-G-Grandfather owned the entire Pueblo of XYZ.

Let's get real. Most of us doing research in this area (Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes) descend from immigrants to the New World who came from Europe out of their need for a better life. An opportunity to improve what they abandoned back home. Not Discounting the mixture of indigenous folks, of course. The facts are that the vast majority of our ancestors were immigrants who labored and toiled the lands to sustain themselves and (at least in my case) left a legacy of hard work ethic, family values and self respect -- no matter your station in life.

Why can't we be satisfied with owning our own legacy as it is? The legacies that our (proven) blood relatives left us without wishing and hoping that we carry the blood of someone we deem (in our short-sightedness) "more important" than the people in our Genfiles?

Just a rant. Forgive me if I ruffled some feathers.