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The Pope & LDS

By mimasep1959 - Posted on 13 May 2008

As far as the Catholic Church records that many of us research, they are
records of religious Sacraments plain and simple (Baptism, Confirmation,
Marriage, Death--last rites) received by individuals, and were not
government or civil records--these came later. Even the Census records
I have run across, list whether the individual received Communion. Lets
remember that such records of sacraments be kept was mandated by the
Catholic Church and not the crown therefore these were not government
records. Our ancestors went to the Catholic Church to receive their
Sacraments. When our ancestors had their children baptized, it was
because they wanted them to be members of the Catholic community. When
a priest was called for a dying person, it was to receive his/her last
Although Jose Carlos made his comment in a tongue and cheek
manner, it does turn things around, and make a rational person think.

"With "tongue in cheek", maybe the Pope could retaliate by re-baptising
the dead Mormons to Catholicism?"
Jose Carlos de Leon

How would LDS members feel if their religious records were used this
way? Would they perceive this act as disrespectful of their beliefs or
their ancestor's beliefs?

I do not take these re-baptisms to heart. My ancestors knew what they
wanted-- I, like Felix had very devout Catholics as my ancestors:
several priests, a saint, nuns, Church builders, etc., My earthly
family is too.

I am very appreciative that the LDS Church has preserved these records,
and made them available to me as a Non-Member--regardless of what
motivated the LDS Church. If it were not for their doing, I never would
have been able to access as much information as I have, nor gotten so
far in my research. Some of these records have given me a wealth of
information. I have discovered that an ancestor couple of mine had a
hand in building one of the Catholic Churches in my folk's hometown.
When I walk into a Family History Library, I always remember that I am
guest and behave as one. I would never disrespect their beliefs
although I've heard individuals unknowingly bash mine.

The Pope as the earthly leader of the Catholic Church has a right to
stop making records of Catholic Sacraments available to non-members or
non-relatives. He has not stepped away from his role as religious
leader. He is protecting religious records of individuals who have
come to the Church for spiritual guidance, membership, etc.,
I personally would not want records of my baptism, confirmation,
marriage, etc., to be used in this manner in the future for re-baptism.
Not that I wouldn't know how to respond :)

I believe that we have much microfilm to research in order to get a good
grasp on who our ancestors were and how they lived.
