2nd of 2008

By makas_nc - Posted on 02 January 2008

Moderatorship in the NuestrosRanchos.com group can be work and also a
thankless job. The work behind the scenes makes the group function
properly and as the originating moderator of the group I just wanted to
take a moment to thank some special people in the group for their
tremendous help in making the group what it is:

Arturo Ramos for his outrageous above and beyond effort at building the
new website and site website mastery. Your efforts have cause the
tremendous growth in the group. Growth that would have caused the
YahooGroup to fade into extinction. The group was on the brink but with
your help has bounded back to a very healthy group. Sincere thanks Arturo

Kitty Cortez for her tireless efforts at sending out the 15 day and 30
day notices to all the perspective new member applicantes. What an
effort and a warm abrazo Kitty for your help

Alicia Carrillo the Spam Master. You would not believe how much Spam the
group attracts. Thanks to her efforts the Spam never gets to you via
some technological wizardry and some tireless efforts by Alicia.
Muchisimas Alicia!

Enrique Legaspi and John Gonzalez for their help when I needed some
translation work. I sincerely appreciate the willingness of these two
gentlemen to help me when I needed their help to purer and more precise

I'm hoping that the group propers in 2008 and that your elusive
ancestors make themselves known in your research,


ps: if Enrique or John wanted to translate this for the rest of the
group. that would be wonderful.

pps: Arturo is always looking for volunteers that have website coding
and functionality skills. I can always use help in case Kitty or Alicia
ever want to take a break. Volunteer positions available.


Joseph Puentes
http://h2opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://h2opodcast.blogspot.com/ (Blog for above)
http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)
http://NuestrosRanchos.com (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes