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blood purity classes at the time of the Spanish Amercan War.

By mari - Posted on 23 October 2007

This weekend I was reading a reprint of the Conquest of California and New Mexico, by
James Madison Cutts nephew of Dolly Madison.
He has a page on the Mixed races of Mexico that I thought was very interesing and decided to share.
now if this was just American government translation of, or printed from documents obtained from actual Mexican record is not made clear..... I hope this has use for someone at sometime. I do think it is a clue to the record of those who beacame us citizens after the Spanish American war.

as follows:

"Europeans, or persons of pure Spanish blood, not natives of Mexico, powerless in a political point of view, but wealthy, though small in number

Crillos or Creoles; persons of unadulerated white bloood. During the revolution, these and the first class were known as Gauchupinos, and generally opposing the revolution, were called Realists or Royalist.

Meztizos or half bloods, the decendants of the white and aborginal races; this class comprises of a great portion of the population of Mexico.

The native unmixed Indians, now rapidly being amalgamated with the others, yet still powerful in a numerical point of view.

Mulattoes, as with us, the decendants of whites and Africans.

Africans, and persons of the unmixed African blood.

Zambos, the decendants of Indian and African parents.

Besides, there are numerous descendants of emigrants fron the Canary Islands, with the admixture of Moorish, not African blood. Gitanos or Gipseys, and it is said, on the Pacific coast, near Acapulco, a large porportion of the population have a mixture of Malay, and Chinese blood.

Slavery was abolished on the 13th of july, 1824, and fron that date forward every imported slave was declared to be free, man from the moment he landed upon the Mexican coast. They have however, a system of quasi servitude, called peonage."