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The Lopez de Elisalde Family

By mendezdetorres - Posted on 09 October 2007

If anyone is interested in following Don Juan Lopes de Elisalde's line in the 1500's in Tolosa these are the films you'll be interested in. I hope to follow his line someday. I really want to look for Don Juan's parents. I only included the films that would extend his genelogy.

Registros parroquiales, 1541-1979

Iglesia Católica. Santa María (Tolosa, Guipúzcoa) (Main Author)

Microfilme de manuscritos en el Archivo Diocesano de San Sebastián.
Algunos tomos incluyen índices y confirmaciones.
Parish registers of baptisms, marriages, and deaths from Tolosa, Guipúzcoa, Spain.
Some volumes include indexes and confirmations.
Access in France and Spain limited to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Le prêt en France est limité aux membres de l'Eglise de Jésus Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours. Acceso en España es limitado a los miembros de la Inglésia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días.

Spain, Guipúzcoa, Tolosa - Church records

Manuscript (On Film)


Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmado por la Sociedad Genealógica de Utah, 1978-1985

en 22 carretes de microfilme ; 35 mm.

Bautismos 1541-1596 (ítemes 1-2) FHL INTL Film [ 1156742 ]
Matrimonios 1564-1582, 1590 Same Film
Defunciones 1543-1571, 1576 Same Film
Bautismos 1572-1692 (ítemes 3-5) - Same Film

Matrimonios y velaciones 1601-1806 - FHL INTL Film [ 1157151 ]