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Roberto Garcia Michel -- new member

By RobertoMichel - Posted on 12 September 2007

Hello everyone:

I've been a member for about two weeks. In going through some old pictures, I decided to get serious about charting out my family history, and through good ole Google, came across this Web site. In going through old pictures my late parents left me, I also found a typed family history of the paternal side of my family, which is from Ejutla, Jalisco.

A bit of background on me: While my name is Roberto Garcia Michel, that's really my father's surnames. He was a Garcia on his fathers side, and Michel on his mothers. When he immigrated to the US in the early 1950s, they put down his last name as Michel, and his middle as Garcia. I'm proud of my father's accomplishments and his reputation in Illinois where I grew up, so I've kept the Michel name, though my mother's father's name was Flamenco, so in Mexico, I'd be Roberto Garcia Flamenco. (I do like the sound of that name.) For the past four years, I've lived in Wisconsin, right outside of Madison.

So I see from this Web site that people are serious about their research, and I want to start looking up some of film references mentioned, to really document the typed family history my mother handed down to me. I've retyped that family history, and posted via my Create Content function. The Microsoft Word document is called: Genealogías de la familia García Michel.

I believe other members can access this document. I details the family history on both sides of my father (Moises Garcia Michel) back to the 1700s. Names mentioned include Garcia, Michel, Medina, Gonzalez, Covarrubias, Tejeda, and several others. There are many references to dates and a few mentions of "Libros" in which records can be found. I'm going to try to find some of those records. Anyway, this simple text history might be interest to others, so I've posted it.

One initial question I have is whether Ejutla and San Miguel are one in the same. It appears that at one time, Ejutla was called San Miguel, but the name was changed in the late 1800s. I found a Jalisco state government Web site that indicates as much:

For now, I'm glad to be a part of this group, and will seek to really document some more of my family history as time goes on. I haven't been to Ejutla since 1988, but hope to go back some day, so I'll see what I can find out from online sources.

Roberto Garcia Michel